Thursday, June 16, 2011

I have a confession

Hey Everyone... I have a confession I need to get off my chest today.  I. love. my. wedding.  Yes, I have bad days.  Yes, I may not be having a princess like engagement due to the fact we live so far away.  Yes, we fight over the wedding.  Yes, some have even called me...umm..a. bridezilla (for the record those people---and there happens to be a few of you--- really should watch that show..just a thought).  But I do I love my wedding.  It's stressful and overwhelming, but I love it all.  I love the fact I have to finish gluing 60 seashells onto a perfectly tied bow on fans for our guests (ummm which my fingers will be glued together at least twice by doing so).  I love the fact that I have every little detail I have ever dreamed of...from my bridal hanger which my amazing soon-to-be husband fixed after the seamstress destroyed it (it looked like she got angry at the hanger at some point..I am not even sure how it would accidentally happened)...from my whimsical dreamy my reception Key West and our amazing the Southernmost Resort which when we first began talking about marriage we knew we wanted (and this was years ago btw) our our even my mother who I know will be full of joy when she sees me in my my brother walking me down the my dance party the night my amazing new family...and to the fact at the end of it all I will be married to my best friend, soul mate.  Yes, I love it all.  So while you may only hear the bad things from time to time...please remember I am whole heartily smiling in my heart and soul for all of my dreams are coming true this year.  So ...thank you, Mr Tobin for being my Prince Charming. I am ever so filled with joy and so blessed to have the life I lead. Now time for V-E-G-A-S...

See you on the flip side!

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